Privacy Policy
Our company fully recognizes that protecting personal information is a social responsibility and strives to handle personal information appropriately as outlined below.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
- Our company complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, relevant ordinances, and national guidelines regarding the protection of personal information.
Security Management Measures
- Our company takes necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of the personal data it handles, as well as to ensure the security management of personal data.
- In handling personal data, we implement necessary and appropriate supervision of our employees to ensure the security management of such data.
- Our company strives to keep personal data accurate and up to date to the extent necessary for achieving its intended purpose.
Handling of Personal Information
- When handling personal information, our company defines its purpose of use as specifically as possible.
- Our company does not handle personal information beyond the necessary scope for achieving the specified purpose of use without the prior consent of the individual.
- Our company does not obtain personal information through fraudulent or other improper means.
- When acquiring personal information, unless the purpose of use has been publicly disclosed in advance, our company will promptly notify the individual or publicly announce the purpose of use.
- If our company obtains an individual’s personal information through contracts or written documents (including records created by electronic, magnetic, or other means that cannot be recognized by human perception), or when directly obtaining personal information from the individual in writing, we will clearly indicate the purpose of use to the individual in advance.
- Our company will not change the purpose of use of personal information beyond a reasonably recognized scope that is significantly related to the original purpose.
- If our company change the purpose of use, we will notify the individual or publicly announce the revised purpose.
- Our company does not provide personal data to third parties without the prior consent of the individual.
Outsourcing of Personal Information
- To achieve the specified purpose of use, our company may entrust personal data within the necessary scope.
- When entrusting the handling of personal data in whole or in part, we ensure appropriate security management and conduct necessary and appropriate supervision over the entrusted party.
Requests for Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion
- If an individual requests disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or notification of the purpose of use of their retained personal data (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure, etc.”), our company will promptly respond to the request.
- If an individual requests the suspension of use, deletion, or cessation of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as “suspension of use, etc.”) of their retained personal data, and it is found that there is a valid reason for the request, our company will promptly carry out the necessary actions.
- If our company does not take the requested action or take a different action than requested, we will notify the individual of the decision and make an effort to explain the reason.
Complaints and Inquiries
- If an individual requests disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or notification of the purpose of use of their retained personal data (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure, etc.”), our company will promptly respond to the request without delay.
- If an individual requests the suspension of use, deletion, or cessation of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as “suspension of use, etc.”) of their retained personal data, and it is found that there is a valid reason for the request, our company will promptly take the necessary actions.
- If our company does not take the requested action or take a different action than requested, we will notify the individual and make an effort to explain the reason.
Matters Publicly Announced Under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
- Name of the Personal Information Handling Business Operator: CEO
- Purpose of Use of Personal Data: Order control, Product delivery, Payment management, Notifications regarding products and services
- Contact Information